Pastor Fatoyinbo of COZA ministry Vs Busola Dakolos, Timi Dakolos wife

 The Gospel Truth about the  Rape Allegation labelled against Pastor Fatoyinbo by Busola Dakolos...

It was gathered by some that Mrs Busola Dakolo the wife of gospel music star Timi Dakolo has accused the senior pastor Fstoyinbo of COZA ministry of rape.
The word rape on its own is an abomination in the sight of God almighty and man. 
But as a matter of fact it has not been proven yet that such a despicable act was carried out by the man of God as to condescend so low as to do such a thing. 

There have been different allegations making the rounds that the pastor had molested several women also in the past  and it was brought to lime light due to the interview held by Mrs Busola Dakolo. 

One thing we just understand is the fact some persons can go as far as to bring another down just to climb to the top of the pecking order. 
I am not implying that the pastor Fatoyinbo is innocent of all the allegations labelled against him but it's not in our position to pass judge in regards to this delicate matter.  
We can not really ascertain who is at fault nor who is right here. But what I don't understand stand is the protest that was staged earlier today demanding for the stepping down of the pastor,  it doesn't even add up because the have a way of treating and trashing matters like this.

My plea to all Nigerians is that we should not incure the wrath of God upon our lives because we are just trying to be social whilst trying to fight a fight that is not ours in the first place. 
God bless the body of Christ Jesus. Amen.



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